Home ? When to Pick Fixtures and Finishes

When to Pick Fixtures and Finishes

Many homeowners think designing a  kitchen starts with picking items like appliances, flooring, cabinet finishes, countertops, faucets and lighting ... and to a point it does. But I try to keep my clients from worrying about many of these items until after the space planning is complete. The huge number of options can be distracting, and it can be overwhelming for most homeowners to make all these decisions at once. You may think you want a cooktop and separate double oven, but it may not be the best appliance package for the design, and at some point you'll be faced with that decision. Getting overcommitted too early on can stifle creativity and hinder your progress in getting the best kitchen design for your home. 
For some, choosing kitchen fixtures and finishes is like being a kid in a candy store. They like everything and can't stay focused on what's right for the overall aesthetic or design. For others, it's paralyzing. They get so worried about picking the wrong finish or fixture that they have trouble making decisions or focusing on other important aspects of the job at hand. 
Even though we always start a kitchen remodel with inspiration photos to get an overall idea of what the client wants the kitchen to look like, I often shelve most of those until after the preliminary plans are complete.
I view kitchen remodels as a series of small, layered choices. Here are some ideas for how and when to make them after space planning is complete.
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